Choosing an estate agent to sell for you in Harfield Village is not difficult. Look for one who has a busy track record, resides in the Village and is readily available to assist at every step.
Lew Norgarb has taken the years of discipline and dedication needed to become a top tennis player/coach and utilized the benefit of that while becoming a property pro.
I signed a sole mandate and immediately he nudged me along into getting my cottage ready for photography (done himself) and a show house. I was able to sell within 3 days of the listing going onto the property websites, which prevented the need to go on show. I got a cash buyer during a quiet time for the market (April 2018) and Lew’s persistent communication with buyer and seller turned the trick.
Be realistic in your pricing, make an effort to get your home presentable, utilise the expertise Lew offers and then relax while it all happens. Rest assured that you are in good hands.
Charles Maimin (Seller - Dorset Close)