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The Harfield Village website is sponsored by NORGARB PROPERTIES who consistently put back generously into the local community. Other such initiatives sponsored by Norgarb are the annual street carnival, fun map of the area, monthly newsletters and regular Facebook posts.
This Blog is dedicated to the people who live in and around Harfield Village, the articles herein have been written by locals who either work or live in the area. It is run in conjunction with the Harfield Village website and regular Newsletter and is sponsored by Norgarb Properties.
The Harfield Village Association (HVA) was established in 1996. Their aim is to safeguard the special character and environment of the village. They also strive to keep the area safe to live in. And represent the interests of the community in it's relationship with the local authorities.
The Harfield Village Community Improvement District has been established to keep our village safe and attractive for us and our children. As a community, we can all do this together. We agree that crime is gaining momentum everywhere in South Africa and we, as residents, have formed our own voluntary Community Improvement District. This will ensure that our area is safe, and that the value of our property continues to grow.
The HarLyn Neighbourhood Watch is a partnership which involves the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Community Policing Forum (CPF), Resident's Associations, Security Service Providers and, above all, Individuals and Families. HarLyn Watch aims to help people protect themselves and their properties, and to reduce the fear of crime by means of active, visible citizen patrols, improved home security tips, greater vigilance, accurate reporting of suspicious incidents and crime, and by fostering a community spirit.
We are blessed in Harfield to have a caring bunch of residents who love our parks and all help to look after them. We have 4 lovely parks and we are busy with landscape plans with a theme for each of them - we would love your ideas and your donations of plants, paving stones, manure, compost, worm juice or just about any gardening cast offs.
The Map of Harfield Village
Harfield Village Emergency Numbers